Monday, December 13, 2010

The Great escape

Yesterday we put Sid in with the other sheep. They were both on a good section of land with electric fencing surrounding them. We thought this would be enough.

The other sheep, Reo, has no requirement to leave her little plot of heaven and is quite content to sit and eat all day. The same cannot be said for Sid.

He has now made 3 sucessful escape bids albeit he doesn't travel far, just to the other side of the fence.

So I pick him up, return him to his section and walk back up the driveway. Before I get to the house he is out again. Now, if I sit and watch him he doesn't try to leave but the moment my back is turned he escapes.

I can only imagine that his wool, which is randomly thick on his face, is preventing him from being zapped by the fence.

We are hatching a plan to crank up the zap from the fence by attaching it to the tractor. Once he gets a hit from it I am sure he won't push through again! Well thats the plan. Stay tuned.

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